With their gear all packed, this band of scurvy sailors set out with me to find the ship of their brave captain. They knew they may some across some trouble, but they'd planned for this. Follow the link below, and then read along to see where their adventures took them!
These sailors learned that there would be troubles they'd face and they'd need to face them with the toughness of a pirate. The first slide got the students to give me their very best Pirate "Arrrr!" The second slide got the students to make a great pirate face. We then led them off from their classroom to the dock where the Captain's ship waited for them. Unforutnately, upon entering the port, they were faced with the terrible task of paying a sailor's tax to the Port Authority in slide three. They rounded up the some of their gold and bribed the guards to not make them have their gear investigated. So they set sail with food, weapons to fight off enemies that might come, and their wits to brave a treacherous sea on their way to discovering an island full of treasure for them.
On their first few days at sea they ate, and were cheerful. Then they arose one morning to find that they were being boarded by another fierce band of pirates who wanted to steal their treasure maps! Each student who had prepared with a cutlass or a flintlock pistol was given a chance to roll dice against an opponent. Mrs. Brown (The Pirate Queen) rolled, and all those with pistols had two "shots" or rolls of the dice to see if they could get higher than her roll. Anyone who didn't was taken captiave. Those with cutlasses had two swings to force their pirate enemies to yield to them. They could combine their rolls and as long as they added up to 20 - their age, they were ok. Again, any who failed were taken captaive. Also, those who hadn't planned for battle at sea were taken captive by the pirate queen. With the battle won, they only had to negotiate the release of their shipmates. They added up together all of their gold and made an offer to the Pirate Queen for the release of their prisoners. She consented and sailed away.
Things weren't better the next day however. Those disgusting sea dogs left a some bilge rats in the scullery and they destroyed all of our food. The crew was devastated to learn this news, but knew that they would have to go to work. There was a week left on the boats according to the globe they'd brought. That meant they'd have to determine how many fish they'd need over seven days. Each decided how many fish they could eat, and what they'd need to survive, and so they added up the total. Then the students began reeling in fish, and they were some of the largest fish you've ever seen 'ya land lubbers.
Unfortuantely, the next morning faced them with something much scarier than a band of marauding pirates, or a lack of food. Slide four revealed a great beast called a Kraken. The students knew that they'd have to work together and respond to the command of their captain to "Fire in the Hole!" to beat the Kraken. They knew from the Captain and their own pirate saavy that a Kraken could only take about 150 points of damage. They had three rounds to begin firing upon the beast, and neither crew needed even fully two to bring it down. They were deeply impressive.
At this point, the Captain had to depart and they needed to return to recess, but Tuesday the 24th we will finish their adventure, and hopefully find some treasure.
What a fun world and story you created! I love the slide show and that there were some high stake incentives to practice math.